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Source: construction began on the project in October, new satellite images have revealed how much ground the project has covered, the scale of the city’s length, and the layout of its construction site.
MIT’s Technology Review reviewed satellite images of The Line’s construction site from an Australian company called Soar, with a photo of the main base camp having been taken by a satellite from Chang Guang Satellite Technology Corporation on October 22, 2022. This main base camp is located at 28.10 degrees latitude and 35.30 degrees longitude on the eastern side of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, but Soar user Urban uploaded several images of construction occurring all along the length of the Line.
This is never gonna happen.
Saudi Arabia is overestimating the amount of people who would consider life in the kingdom attractive. It's not THAT many.
NEOM - The Line - Retail/Commercial Module
NEOM - The Line - University Module
NEOM - The Line - 50 Key Resort
NEOM - The Line - Beach Park
Saudi Arabia’s gigaprojects are ramping up to award $569bn-worth of contracts between 2021 and 2025. According to MEED’s Saudi Gigaprojects report, the total will be a step change for the regional projects market as it will dwarf the $172bn-worth of work awarded in the previous five-year period between 2016 and 2021.The total announced value of planned expenditure on the 15 known gigaprojects is about $719bn, of which about $30bn has been awarded so far. This suggests that only 4 per cent of the programme has been awarded to date. This means the programme is still at a nascent stage and will accelerate over the coming two-to-five years.Neom is the largest planned project, with an announced value of $500bn. It has also been the leading project to date for contract awards, with some $13bn-plus-worth of deals. Given its scale, it is likely to maintain this position until the end of the gigaproject programme.