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Type: Posts; User: Alena

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    The team behind the installation of Museum of the Future reveals details of lights that bring out the beauty of the calligraphy! As much as the unique design of this building is important, its lighting plays a big role too.

    “The role of lighting in the building façade was to highlight the calligraphy art and we amazingly achieved that task. It was a very proud moment for all of us to see the building lit up during the inaugural ceremony. We are part of the history now because we worked on the ‘Most Beautiful Building on Earth’,” he added.

    “At this point, JTS connected the feeds to conduits that feed the fixtures power and data. The data cables are connected to DMX Controllers that enable the linear lights to be dimmed or turned off. The panels are arranged around the Arabic calligraphy of Sheikh Mohammed’s poetry and connected in such a way that it allows for specific segments of the façade calligraphy to be turned on or off in sequence. “

    This allows for segments of calligraphy to be turned on, telling a story or a specific message when the museum is viewed from a distance.

    “The first word that was lit up for the first time on May 22, 2019 for His Highness was ‘Mustaqabal’ in Arabic, which means future in English,” he recalled.

    Chaliyil said 45 skilled technicians worked on the project for almost 35 months for the installation of the lighting. “We spend almost 54,000 man hours in the project. It was led by our senior project engineer Hazin Mohammed and supported by supervisor Sandeep Ajithkumar and foreman Vinod.”
  2. Thread: Maldives Overwater Villas

    Post by: Alena
    It seems like this project was on hold due to Covid for some time and so the expected launch date has moved from 2021 to 2022.

    According to latest news from Corporate Maldives, Bison Maldives (a major resort construction company in Maldives) signed a contract with Dutch Docklands Maldives in mid of February for the construction of the first homes in Maldives Floating City — a new, floating development of 5,000 homes being constructed in a lagoon five minutes speedboat ride from Male’.

    The first houses will be ready after Ramadan, and tours for members of the public will commence shortly afterwards. The houses are being constructed locally, to specifications designed by engineers from the Netherlands.

    The founder of Bison Maldives Abdul Majeed has confirmed the cooperation in this project and trusts that first houses for this exciting and innovative development will be delivered on time.

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