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08 Apr 1999
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4 ha
Titanic Corp. of Nevada Inc.
Titanic Corp. of Nevada Inc.
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  1. ResortsAhoy is offline resortX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Most of the artwork for this has never been updated so there isn't a lot to be found now but this is where the ship would have been located with the "iceberg" sitting behind it from this viewpoint. There are also some other classic "fails" in this article which are worth checking out.

    In an alternate universe, you would have been able to spend a night partying on the Titanic. The $1.2 billion project from 1999 was to include a 400ft long replica of the ship and the iceberg that sank it, with 1200 hotel rooms located in the latter. The ship was expected to be a huge attraction for Las Vegas Boulevard, with plans for a casino, theatre, amusement park and zoo. But that’s not all; the Titanic would have had a nightclub named ‘The Ice Breaker’.

  2. Any other artwork of this great, failed LV resort?! Love it!

  3. Allen Rubin, CEO of Los Angeles-based Titanic Resort, sued Stupak and Titanic Corp. on May 21, 1999, alleging Stupak misappropriated his trademark "Titanic Hotel and Casino," and allegedly competed for developers and investors with Rubin's planned Titanic hotel-casino project.

    However, there are a lot of articles like “A Titanic-themed Resort Almost Opened in Vegas — and That's Not Even the Craziest Failed Project”


    There are no reliable sources provided for the actual resort ever being a serious proposition. Where sometimes it's claimed there were plans for a Titanic Resort it is actually referencing the Luxor resort, but they actually only have Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. You can check on their official website and also buy tickets for this exhibition.


  4. So it'd have been a ship with a casino inside that permanently collides with an iceberg equipped with hotel rooms?

  5. Titanic Las Vegas
    Number of rooms: 1,200
    Cost: $1.2 billion

    Inspired by the fateful RMS Titanic, this resort would have taken the shape of a 400-foot-long ship. Bob Stupak, Las Vegas businessman and creator of The Stratosphere, presented the idea in 1999 — not long after the hit movie. It would have stood 400-plus feet high — twice the height of the RMS Titanic. The hotel was going to have giant icebergs that included a hotel and theater, an amusement park, a petting zoo and a nightclub (cleverly named) Club Icebreaker. Stupak originally wanted it across from SLS, but the City Council rejected the idea. He then tried to rezone it near Las Vegas and Charleston boulevards but due to residential concerns, that didn’t work out either.

  6. admin is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Titanic Las Vegas Resort

    Status: never built

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